
Guizhou M15 methanol gasoline utilization pilot promotion "speed up"

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The reporter learned from the provincial M15 methanol gasoline pilot site meeting held on January 21 that in the first half of this year, the use of M15 methanol gasoline will fully cover the public transport company system in Guiyang, and the pilot projects in southern and southwestern Guizhou are ready to start, Tongren is building a production base, and Liupanshui confirms the qualification of production enterprises- Pilot promotion of "speed up" of M15 methanol gasoline utilization in our province Core tips...

The reporter learned from the provincial M15 methanol gasoline pilot site meeting held on January 21 that in the first half of this year, the use of M15 methanol gasoline will fully cover the public transport company system in Guiyang, and the pilot projects in southern and southwestern Guizhou are ready to start, Tongren is building a production base, and Liupanshui confirms the qualification of production enterprises-
Pilot promotion of "speed up" of M15 methanol gasoline utilization in our province
Core tips
Recently, the industry and information technology organization held a symposium on methanol gasoline pilot work to discuss and deploy the pilot promotion of high proportion methanol gasoline in Shanghai, Shaanxi and Shanxi. This is the first time that the pilot work of methanol gasoline promotion is led at the national level, marking that the promotion and application of methanol gasoline is officially included in the national strategy. Industry insiders believe that the promotion of methanol gasoline will increase significantly this year.
At the end of October last year, Guiyang took the lead in launching the pilot project, which opened the prelude to the pilot promotion of methanol fuel utilization in our province. Up to now, as the first pilot project to promote the use of methanol-gasoline in our province, 50 large buses and more than 150 taxis in Guiyang's public transport system have completed the test for nearly 3 months. The phased evaluation shows that the pilot results are remarkable, and the conditions for Guizhou to further expand the scope and objects of the M15 methanol-gasoline use pilot project are mature.
Decision-making "strategic needs, speed up the pace of promotion"
After learning that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China has promoted the use of methanol gasoline to the national strategic level, the provincial economic and information commission, as the main functional department of the province, immediately adjusted the "layout" of the promotion of this year's M15 methanol gasoline use pilot: expand the coverage of the pilot, improve the effectiveness and level of the pilot work, and continue to give full play to the demonstration and driving role, Promote the pilot promotion of M15 methanol gasoline utilization in the province to a better level this year, and actively explore the effective, joint and unified management mode and method of M15 methanol gasoline in the province at the stage of comprehensive promotion.
"We should take a strategic view on the importance and urgency of accelerating the pilot promotion of methanol gasoline in our province." The relevant head of the Provincial Economic and Information Commission believes that the use and promotion of M15 methanol gasoline belongs to the scope of "accelerating the clean and efficient use and comprehensive utilization of traditional energy-coal", which is the need of the structural adjustment of Guizhou's energy industry, It is also an important part of the 12th Five-Year Plan for National Energy Development. By promoting the use of M15 methanol gasoline, it can not only reduce the pressure on the outsourcing of refined oil in the province, but also can not be underestimated for the implementation of a strong industrial province, guiding and promoting the development of coal chemical industry in Guizhou, improving the energy structure of Guizhou, and realizing the local transformation of resource advantages to economic advantages.
It is understood that at present, the refined oil in our province depends entirely on foreign imports, and the consumption of refined oil in the province reached 3.77 million tons last year. By promoting the use of methanol gasoline, while gradually increasing the digestibility of methanol products in the province, extending the industrial chain of coal products, and expanding the use and sales channels of products of chemical enterprises in the province, it can also reduce the outsourcing pressure, cost pressure and transportation pressure of finished products consumption enterprises in the province, thus improving the self-protection capacity of finished products in the province.
With the vigorous implementation of a number of coal chemical projects in our province in recent years, it is preliminarily estimated that the province has a capacity of 4 million tons of methanol, including about 1 million tons completed and 3 million tons under construction. This has laid a solid resource foundation for the development of coal-based alcohol ether fuel in Guizhou.
At the same time, based on these basic conditions, through accelerating the promotion and summarizing mature experience and practices, the utilization of M15 methanol gasoline in Guizhou will move to the outside of the province, radiate and expand to the surrounding areas as soon as possible, and better promote and promote the intensive and large-scale development of the coal chemical industry in the province, which has also become the "original intention" of our province to promote the pilot and promotion of methanol gasoline.
Production of "products+services to ensure normal operation"
"After the comprehensive promotion of M15 methanol gasoline, the company shall be responsible for solving the problems caused by the use of M15 methanol gasoline in vehicles, and bear all responsibilities arising therefrom."
As the pilot oil supplier of M15 methanol gasoline utilization and promotion in Guiyang, Guizhou Dongfang Hongsheng New Energy Co., Ltd. made its solemn commitment.
"Effective product quality assurance is the best support for commitment. We have a set of standardized production systems to accurately control the blending process of M15 methanol gasoline and carry out spot checks on each batch of products." Chairman Hong Zhengpeng said.
After the M15 methanol gasoline provided by the company has been used by the first batch of pilot vehicles for nearly three months, the tracking and monitoring data of the pilot unit's vehicles show that the product quality is stable, the harmful gas in the exhaust emissions is 30 to 40 percent lower than that of traditional gasoline, and the degree of air pollution is reduced. It is a mature product of energy-saving and environment-friendly new fuel.
It can be seen from the company's blending base in Qingzhen with an annual output of 100000 tons of denatured fuel that all production blending uses the DCS modern control system for the whole process management and monitoring, and accurately controls the entire production blending process, which is crucial to ensure the stability of product quality. It is reported that the company can allocate 660000 tons of M15 methanol gasoline every year.
In order to ensure the normal operation of the pilot vehicles during the test, the company not only conducted professional training and on-site drills for its employees, but also conducted methanol fuel technology training for the pilot enterprises in three batches, systematically explaining the significance of methanol fuel promotion, basic knowledge of methanol gasoline, matters needing attention in actual operation and emergency treatment methods. Invite experts from professional institutions such as the National Alcohol and Ether Fuel Association and China University of Petroleum to study and discuss the problems and situations that may occur during the pilot process, and formulate specific operation plans. A professional vehicle service team has been set up 24 hours a day to arrive at the site for treatment as soon as possible after receiving the vehicle fault report during operation.
Hong Zhengpeng said that the M15 methanol-gasoline utilization pilot project, which has achieved initial results, will expand its coverage. In order to effectively ensure the smooth implementation of further promotion, the company plans to build 7-8 M15 methanol-gasoline filling points in Guiyang urban area and Jinyang New Area to facilitate the injection of social vehicles. At the same time, six pre-sale and after-sales service teams are proposed to be responsible for providing services such as tank cleaning at the gas station, cleaning of some vehicle oil system, and vehicle fault maintenance during use. During the comprehensive promotion of the pilot project, Guiyang will be divided into six regions to provide 24-hour on-site service for vehicle failures, and six professional automobile repair stations will be fixed to ensure the normal operation of vehicles using M15 methanol gasoline.
The pilot project "achieved remarkable results and achieved full coverage in half a year"
At the end of October last year, our province invested a total of 800000 yuan to open two M15 methanol gasoline filling stations, and the provincial finance allocated a subsidy of 270000 yuan to carry out the M15 methanol gasoline trial for more than 200 vehicles of Guiyang Public Transport Group Co., Ltd. on the 24th and 19th routes. As of January 13, the first batch of vehicles participating in the trial run had used 110 tons of the fuel during the test period, and the pilot vehicles reported good use.
According to Hu Xiangcheng, the deputy general manager of the company, Guiyang Public Transport Group Co., Ltd. has carried out tests on different working conditions and different roads, such as idle speed, rapid acceleration, flat and straight road, and steep slope starting, for more than 200 vehicles in the past three months. The results show that because M15 methanol gasoline has the characteristics of rich oxygen and high octane number, it just makes up for the shortage of Guizhou's high altitude and thin geographical conditions, can fully burn, and will not produce knock. Due to the low mixing ratio, the engine does not make major adjustments, the modification technology is simple, and the modification cost is low, which is suitable for promotion.
"Because methanol does not contain benzene and sulfur, the emissions of pollutants after combustion are less than that of gasoline." Hu Xiangcheng held a report on the inspection of the pilot vehicles of the public transport group company, which showed that after the trial of M15 methanol gasoline, the emissions of carbon monoxide in the vehicle tail gas were reduced by about 50%, and the emissions of carbon and hydrogen compounds were reduced by about 80%.
At the beginning of the test, although the swelling caused by the use of M15 methanol gasoline has affected the operation of some parts of the vehicle engine, high fuel consumption of some vehicles, insufficient power of some vehicles, and other problems, methanol gasoline suppliers and enterprises adhere to the whole-process tracking, timely information communication, technical analysis, and improvement measures, basically solving the above problems during the test period.
Hu Xiangcheng said that due to the advantages of M15 methanol gasoline, the company will comprehensively promote the use of the whole public transport system in the first half of this year. In order to create conditions for reducing the deadhead mileage generated by vehicle fuel filling and improving the efficiency of energy utilization, the company will also further increase and layout the filling stations reasonably.
Use "environmental economy, take the lead and start from me"
Since December last year, the No. 24 bus of Guiyang Bus Company has taken the lead in using M15 methanol gasoline as fuel to replace 90 # gasoline in the whole line.
"At the beginning, when using alternative fuels, some vehicles suffered from fuel shortage, engine flameout, power decline and other failures, and some pilot drivers did not understand."
Tang Jian, the monitor of No. 24 bus at the central station of the company's railway station, told the reporter that according to the above problems, in a very short time, the company and the oil supplier jointly and timely readjusted the oil circuit of the vehicles with problems in the trial, and the engine working condition improved significantly. Especially after cleaning the vehicle's oil circuit, pipeline and gasoline filter, the vehicle's operation returned to normal, and there has been no engine failure so far.
"In order to verify whether the new fuel is' energy saving and environmental protection ', I also paid special attention to observe and found that M15 methanol-gasoline is indeed quite full of combustion." Tang Jian said that in view of the specific situation that many drivers do not know the nature of methanol-gasoline, the company and enterprises organized professional training to timely dispel their concerns about using M15 methanol-gasoline.
Chen Fuhong, the driver of "Lei Feng Class" of the second fleet of taxi company, who participated in the trial of M15 methanol gasoline, has a more personal experience of this. He told the reporter that the methanol gasoline after the technical transformation is fully burned, saving 40 cents per liter of methanol gasoline compared with ordinary gasoline, and that the vehicle oil circuit modification technology is simple, the modification cost is low, the performance price is relatively high, energy conservation and environmental protection.
"In order to let us understand and recognize this new fuel technology, the company organized a professional technical team to first refit and use the car from the government." Chen Fuhong was impressed that the company's technical department tested the refitting technology in different regions and under different conditions of light and heavy vehicles, and then let the taxi use it after success. At the same time, in order to make the use of taxis smooth and convenient, the company worked overtime to carry out technical modifications to taxis, and set up separate fuel stations to refuel M15 taxis 24 hours a day.
Related links
Since 2008, the provincial government has repeatedly proposed to include "methanol fuel utilization pilot work" in the government's work agenda.
In June 2009, the Provincial Economic and Information Commission organized a special investigation team to investigate Shanxi Province, which is the earliest and most mature province to promote the use of methanol fuel, and submitted an investigation report to the provincial government to begin the active exploration of the pilot work of methanol fuel use in our province.
On the basis of learning from the advanced domestic practices and experience, at the end of 2009, the Provincial Economic and Information Commission drew up a "pilot work plan for methanol fuel utilization" and formally proposed "to carry out the pilot work of methanol fuel utilization in our province in a step-by-step, phased and low-risk manner".
On July 5, 2010, our province issued the local standard of "M15 methanol gasoline for vehicles (trial)", filling the gap in the specification of this type of product in Guizhou, and also providing standard technical support for methanol gasoline production and sales enterprises in our province.
In August 2010, the "Pilot Implementation Plan for the Utilization of M15 Methanol Gasoline in Guizhou Province" was proposed, and Guiyang, Liupanshui, Qiannan, Qianxinan and Tongren were selected as the first pilot areas to carry out the work.
On October 29, 2010, Guiyang public transport system took the lead in launching the pilot project of methanol fuel utilization.
On January 21, 2011, the provincial M15 methanol-gasoline pilot work site meeting concluded the phased pilot results and believed that the pilot work had achieved good results, and the pilot scope should be further accelerated.